FoxNews can do silly things, especially with their pundits. Just a few moments ago Bill O’Reilly was complaining, as usual, getting up on his high horse talking about some 13 year old boy in England who just fathered a child. The reporter asked the kid what he was going to do for finances and the kid looked a little shocked and sheepishly replied, “What are finances?” Only when the reporter told him it was money did the kid answer with I don’t know.

That was the shocking note O’Reilly wanted to hit. He wanted his audience to realize how irresponsible a 13 year old could be, especially in not even knowing what the word finances meant.

Fast forward a minute later, after he showed a tape of Sarah Palin’s daughter talking about how she felt abstinence classes weren’t enough for preparing kids for knowing about sex. He was talking to two ‘experts’ on the subject and O’Reilly, showing how superior he is above all, stated after one of the experts talked about contraception that at 13 everyone knows what those are and can get hold of them because he knew at 13 years old what they are.

Excuse me?

A minute earlier he had full demonstration that a 13 year old boy obviously didn’t know about contraception since he has a child and when asked about a simple thing like finances the kid didn’t know what the word was. If a 13 year old kid doesn’t know about finances, how is he going to know about condoms?

I know when I was that age I had no idea what a condom was, and probably couldn’t tell you accurately about sex. Now, I could tell you the function of the Eagle Shuttlecraft, or I could name you most of the monsters in the Godzilla universe, I could definitely have a debate with you about the workings of a lightsaber and the Force, but a conversation on how to get condoms, I would have been a lost lad on that.

People like O’Reilly want to have things both ways. They want to make teenagers as sophisticated people, much like the contrived dramas of Gossip Girls or 90210, yet at the same time they want to think of them as Leave It to Beaver innocents. Normally its other people’s kids who are the sophisticated predators and their kids are the innocent lambs. Kids are all screwed up on hormones so they’re all over the map in maturity. They have to be given the facts even if some parents may want to hold on to a child’s innocence far too long. The result of being too protective is a child easily manipulated and possibly pregnant.


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O'Reilly's Facts Wrong Again - Feb 26, 2009
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